Miraculous Novena of Grace: A Powerful Prayer for Divine Help

Origins of the Miraculous Novena of Grace

The Miraculous Novena of Grace is a powerful devotion to St. Francis Xavier, a renowned Jesuit missionary known for his miracles and unwavering faith. This novena traces back to 1633, when Father Marcello Mastrilli, a Jesuit priest, suffered a near-fatal accident. As he lay critically ill, St. Francis Xavier appeared to him in a vision, promising him recovery if he renewed his missionary vows. Miraculously, Mastrilli was healed and later spread devotion to this novena, which is traditionally prayed from March 4 to March 12, marking the anniversary of St. Francis Xavier’s canonization.

How to pray this novena

Mar. 4th to Mar. 12th

The Novena of Grace consists of nine days of prayer, invoking St. Francis Xavier’s intercession for specific intentions.


Prayer to Saint Francis Xavier

Most amiable and most loving Saint Francis Xavier,
in union with thee I reverently adore
the Divine Majesty.

I rejoice exceedingly on account of the
marvelous gifts which God bestowed upon thee.

I thank God for the special graces He gave
thee during thy life on earth and for the great
glory that came to thee after thy death.

I implore thee to obtain for me,
through thy powerful intercession,
the greatest of all blessings – that of living
and dying in the state of grace.

I also beg of thee to secure for me the
special favor I ask in this novena.

(Here you may mention the grace,
spiritual or temporal,
that you wish to obtain)

In asking this favor,
I am fully resigned to the Divine Will.

I pray and desire only to obtain
that which is most conducive to the greater
glory of God and the greater good of my soul.

V. Pray for us, Saint Francis Xavier.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

O God,
Who didst vouchsafe,
by the preaching and miracles of Saint Francis Xavier,
to join unto Thy Church the nations of the Indies,
we beseech Thee,
that we who reverence his
glorious merits may also imitate his example,
through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


Then add 3 Our Father’s and 3 Hail Mary’s in memory of Saint Francis Xavier’s devotion to the Most Holy Trinity

and Glory be to the Father 10 times in thanksgiving for the graces received during his 10 years of apostleship.

Why Pray the Novena of Grace?

The Novena of Grace is widely known for its powerful intercessions and miraculous graces. It has helped countless believers receive spiritual blessings, physical healing, and divine assistance in times of distress. The novena is particularly popular among those seeking:

  • Healing from illness or suffering
  • Strength in faith and spiritual growth
  • Guidance in difficult decisions
  • Miraculous intervention in desperate situations

Proven Efficacy of the Novena of Grace

The Novena of Grace has been praised by many for its miraculous results, and even Pope Pius X acknowledged its effectiveness. The novena is widely practiced in Catholic churches worldwide, especially in Italy, Spain, and Latin America. Devotees testify to answered prayers, making this one of the most sought-after Catholic novenas.

The Javieradas: Pilgrimage to St. Francis Xavier’s Birthplace

In Navarra, Spain, the Javieradas pilgrimage takes place each year in honor of St. Francis Xavier, coinciding with the Novena of Grace. Thousands of faithful walk to the Castle of Javier, his birthplace, seeking spiritual renewal and divine blessings.

Final Thoughts

The Miraculous Novena of Grace is a timeless devotion that continues to transform lives. Whether you seek a miracle, healing, or divine guidance, this novena serves as a reminder that faith and prayer can move mountains.

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