Catherine of Sienna, St.

Novena to Saint Catherine of Sienna

Apr. 20th to Apr. 28th

Heavenly Father,
your glory is in your saints.

We praise your glory in the life of the
admirable St. Catherine of Siena,
virgin and doctor of the Church.

Her whole life was a noble sacrifice
inspired by an ardent love of Jesus,
your unblemished Lamb.

In troubled times she strenuously
upheld the rights of His beloved spouse,
the Church.

honor her merits and hear her prayers
for each of us,
and for our whole parish
family dedicated to her.

Help us to pass unscathed through the
corruption of this world,
and to remain unshakably faithful
to the church in word,
and example.

Help us always to see in the
Vicar of Christ an anchor in the storms of life,
and a beacon of light to the harbor of your Love,
in this dark night of your times and men’s souls.

Grant also to each of us our special petition…

(State your need here…)

We ask this through Jesus,
your Son,
in the bond of the Holy Spirit.


St. Catherine of Siena,
Pray for us.

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