Prayer to the Holy Face of Jesus

“The face of Christ is the face of a man of sorrows, who fully assumed all human sufferings, who emptied Himself of His glory to become a servant obedient even to death on a cross”. Pope Benedict XVI

Prayer to the Holy Face of Jesus

The Holy Face of Jesus is a profound devotion in the Catholic tradition, emphasizing reverence for Christ’s suffering and seeking His divine mercy. Many faithful around the world recite this prayer to deepen their connection with Jesus and ask for His blessings.

prayer to the holy face of Jesus


Holy Face of my sweet Jesus, living and eternal expression of the love and of the divine martyrdom suffered for the redemption of mankind, I adore Thee and I love Thee.
Today and for always I consecrate to Thee my whole being.
By the most pure hands of the Immaculate Queen I offer Thee the prayers, actions, and works of this day, in expiation and reparation for the sins of poor creatures.
Make me Thy true apostle. May your gentle gaze be ever present to me and, at the hour of my death, grow bright with mercy. Amen.

Holy Face of Jesus, look with mercy upon me.

Are you looking for the Most Holy Face Novena Prayer? click here

🌟 The Meaning of the Prayer

This prayer is a reflection on the sacred image of Christ, honoring His Passion and the suffering He endured for humanity. Devotees believe that by praying with sincerity, they can receive spiritual strength, peace, and protection from evil.

📜 History of the Devotion

The devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus dates back to Saint Veronica, who, according to tradition, wiped Christ’s face on His way to Calvary, leaving His image imprinted on the cloth. In later centuries, Sister Marie of Saint Peter, a Carmelite nun, received revelations from Jesus in the 19th century, encouraging devotion to His Holy Face as an act of reparation for sins. Pope Pius XII later approved the devotion, recognizing its significance in the Catholic faith.

🙏 How to Pray the Holy Face of Jesus Prayer

To fully experience the spiritual benefits of this prayer, follow these steps:

  1. Find a quiet place where you can focus and reflect on Christ’s Passion.
  2. Begin with the Sign of the Cross and offer a personal intention.
  3. Recite the prayer slowly and with devotion, meditating on Jesus’ suffering.
  4. End with a moment of silence or an additional prayer, such as the Our Father or Hail Mary.

“O Jesus, who in Thy bitter Passion didst become ‘the most abject of men, a man of sorrows,’ I venerate Thy Sacred Face, whereon once did shine the beauty and sweetness of the Godhead…”

📖 Biblical Reference

This devotion aligns with the words of Isaiah 53:3:
“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.”

🔗 Related Devotions and Further Reading

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